
I was a contributing editor for the Sears online retail thinking and design blog.  Here are some articles I wrote about the User Experience Practice.

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Enormous light bulbs shaped like human heads in a field

Red Boxes, Fail-Con, and Imaginary Helmets: Lessons from Innovation Labs

User experience architects are constantly being asked to, “think outside the box” in an effort of create revolutionary ideas for their companies. Some companies have even created separate innovation labs to this end.

Three servings of gazpacho in glass cups

Hotspacho: Why we Like Siri

My cat, Rudy, used to go wild when a show with birds came on the television. He’d run to my Zenith and bat the screen with his paw. Occasionally he’d turn to look at me on the couch and meow as if to say, “You sure you don’t want in on this?”

Mariatron 6000 robot and Ogg the caveman having a discussion

The Knee is the Achilles Heel of the Leg: Thoughts on Analogy

My friend and I were at a Golden Nugget Pancake House a few weeks ago. After ordering the Denver omelet, she started talking about moving into her new, much smaller apartment. She was particularly unhappy with the living room. She folded her paper placemat in half and set it in front of her.

Woman smiling and holding a fish in a fishbowl

The Mind’s Why

There it is, pinned to an office partition near you, under the Dilbert cartoon: a list of user-interface design guidelines. There’s been at least one copy stuck to a cubicle wall in every office I’ve ever worked at after 1996.

Photo of boy riding bike with lens flare in upper left corner

Say it with Flare!

Lens flare: The magical mistake. It happens when shooting film through a lens pointed into a light source causing an optical defect – rings or circles of light – that obscures part of the image.

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