Change and Disruption Covid Strategies

Bethany Lankin

Thumbnail of a page of a Covid-19 white paper

Change & Disruption


In March of 2020, with the Covid-19 virus effecting more and more people, many of the companies Inspire11 served were beginning to speculate about how Covid-19 might affect them. Our company wanted to ease our customers' fears by offering suggestions for how they might embrace any new changes to business as usual. We wanted our customers to view upcoming changes as opportunities to adapt their businesses to positively impact their customers, employees, communities, and themselves during the pandemic.


Inspire11 decided a white paper would be the best way to communicate these ideas.

There was a great deal of urgency to complete this project as soon as possible as the virus was spreading rapidly and effecting not only employees but supply chains as well. The eight page brochure needed to be completed in less than two weeks, including research, design, and copywriting,

Additionally, the white paper had to be created in Microsoft PowerPoint without the use of drawing programs or an illustrator. Many feared that owners may want or need to change the document in a hurry, which is why the request for PowerPoint was made. All other illustrators were employed elsewhere and therefore unavailable.


A team of six  people, myself included, spent the better part of a week researching how other companies had successfully embraced enormous changes to their business. 


Solutions seemed to fall naturally into four categories:

  • Optimize, Adapt and Automate to Increase Efficiency 
  • Revisit and Improve Outdated Processes and Strategies
  • Understand and Serve Customers’ New and Existing Needs
  • Reduce Stress and Worry to Increasing Productivity and Positivity

These became the focus of the white paper

Visual design

How does one create a visually captivating communication asset without the use of design programs or illustrators in less than a week, and with a product designed for creating presentations in landscape format? With a bright, simple, color palette, use of pre-formatted shapes, and free vector icons from Flaticon.


Although a team of six people, myself included, gathered information, I was responsible for writing and editing all but two paragraphs of this white paper.


The final product received high praise from multiple clients. It surpassed expectations, meeting all requirements within a tight time frame with limited budget and multiple restrictions.

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